FEB 25, 4p | The power of stillness: breathwork & meditation workshop

Pranayama is the ancient practice of controlling the breath, helping to connect the body and the mind. Breathwork can reduce stress and high blood pressure, improve both lung function and sleep, and promote mindfulness. Meditation is the training of the mind through focus, cultivating both awareness and equanimity. The goal is not to empty the mind, but to notice what arises without fixating or ruminating. Meditation can enhance concentration and memory, reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety, and pain, and improve sleep. This accessible, guided breathwork and meditation workshop will start with some brief stretching followed by coming into the breath. It will include a few calming pranayama techniques, such as alternate nostril breathing, before coming into some more rigorous breathing.

From breathwork, it will transition into meditation, which will include periods of silence. Of course, there will be periods of discussion on both topics throughout the workshop. It will be 2 hours and will benefit both beginners and those with an existing breathwork and/or meditation practice. Nothing is needed, but please wear comfortable clothing and arrive at least 5 minutes prior to start.


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